These bandings may have the different color (red, blue, purple, green,
black, waits in vain and so on), if is assumes the black and white
interaction the banding, is called the thin raw white silk black agate;
Crazy Lace Agate Beads
Assumes the red and white banding to be called entangles the silk black
agate. If in the thin raw white silk black agate's black banding is very
wide, may cut alone processes the black agate bead, still had the very
thin white banding unavoidably, may see under the sunlight. Therefore,
in the black agate bead saw that has the white tiny stripe, is very
normal. the black agate assumes generally to is not
transparently transparent, the refractive index approximately 1.54, the
proportion 2.60, degree of hardness 7, the glassy luster, the shell
closes the fracture. Has the concentric ring belt-shaped, the lamellar,
corrugated, entangles filiform, the grass branched and so on assorted
shape beautiful pattern is the black agate biggest artistic feature. Its
pattern's color are many and varied, has, the ash, the yellowish-brown
white, black and so on. Because the black agate has the natural pore,
therefore may also dye Cheng Hong, blue, green, yellow, brown purple and
so on each kind of color. After the dyeing processing black agate, is
called in Brazil “umbu”. The black agate is the application widespread
jade material since the ancient times, ancient times the people often
described the wealth by “the pearl agate”;
Blue Crazy Lace Agate In the overseas many fables
mentioned that the black agate can give wearing to bring happy and the
confidence, brings the fond dream. Natural black agate, non-artificial
dyeing. The black agate is one kind of colloid mineral, in the
mineralogy, it belongs to the calcedony class. Since the ancient times,
the black agate received people's welcome, the ancient times “seven
treasures” has valuable one is the black agate. The black agate product
in today was still one of our country gem profession most main products.
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